Direct Support Professionals

We are dedicated to serving you with excellence.

The Direct Support Professionals (DSPs) at Way of Hope Inc. have met the COMAR requirements to be employed as a DSP under Maryland’s DDA regulations and completed all of the mandated training. They have also had The Mandt System behavioral support training required by the Maryland Developmental Disabilities Administration (DDA). WOH staff have completed training for employees who provide direct care to children in the State of Maryland. Our DSPs have also received training to support individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders.

Our Direct Support Professionals are proficient in the following domains:

  • Participant Empowerment – DSPs enhance the ability of clients to lead a self-determining life by providing support and information necessary to build self-esteem and assertiveness on the part of the participant to make decisions.
  • Communication – DSPs are knowledgeable about the range of effective communication strategies and skills necessary to establish a collaborative relationship with clients.
  • Assessment – DSPs are knowledgeable about formal and informal assessment practices to respond to the needs and interests of clients.
  • Community and Service Networking – DSPs know the formal and informal support available in the community and know how to assist clients in identifying and gaining access to such support.
  • Facilitation of Services – DSPs are knowledgeable about a range of participatory planning techniques and are skilled in implementing plans in a collaborative and expeditious manner.
  • Community Living Skills and Supports – DSPs can match specific support and interventions to the unique needs of individual participants and recognizes the importance of friends, family, and community relationships.
  • Education, Training, and Self-Development – DSPs can identify areas for self-improvement, pursue necessary education or training resources, and share knowledge with others.
  • Advocacy – DSPs are knowledgeable about the diverse challenges facing clients and can identify and use effective advocacy strategies to overcome such challenges.
  • Vocational, Educational, and Career Support – DSPs are knowledgeable about the career and education-related concerns of the client and can mobilize the resources and supports necessary to assist the client in reaching their goals.
  • Crisis Intervention – DSPs are knowledgeable about crisis prevention, intervention, and resolution techniques and can match these techniques to particular circumstances and individuals.
  • Organizational Participation – DSPs are familiar with the mission and practices of the support organization.
  • Documentation – DSPs are knowledgeable about the requirements for documentation in their organization and can manage these requirements efficiently.
  • Building and Maintaining Friendships and Relationships – DSPs support clients in developing friendships and other relationships.
  • Provide Person-Centered Supports – DSPs provide services and support using a person-centered approach.
  • Supporting Health and Wellness – DSPs promote the health and wellness of all clients.

Contact Us

If you wish to avail yourself of our services, feel free to reach out to us today. We will be happy to discuss your needs and help you find the right healthcare staffing solution.